It's me, Luis Rincon.

I am


Some technologies that I know and use today.

These are some technologies that I currently use, some in the backend like Node, Typescript, Sequelize, and others in the frontend like Html, CSS, React, Astro, Tailwind, among others.

I use Git and GitHub for version control, clickUp and Trello for task tracking, and Confluence for documentation.


Some projects i have done to date


Social media design inspired on Twitter. Website worked with Next, and Tailwind. Api working with Node and express. Still coding...

Weather app

Weather app, shows detailed weather by city, inspired by thearthurk design. Website worked with Astro, React and Tailwind.

Retro Blog

Retro blog inspired on behance design, with some interesting articles, Worked with Astro and Tailwind.

Sound Pulse

Beautiful website maked to feel the music. Website worked with Astro, React, and personalized images by a friend.


Ecommerce Website worked with Astro, React, and backend with Node, TypeScript, Sequelize and MySql.

Windows 95

Website inspired in Windows 95, with info about me and my projects. Make with React, React95 and Styled Components.


Website inspired on figma design, All the resources are in the figma file. Make with Next, Framer Motion and Tailwind.

Jobs Poster

Website to view and post jobs. Worked with react, and backend with Node, TypeScript, Sequelize and MySql.

Music Player

Simple online music player, with music to be relaxing, Website worked with React, Astro, Tailwind, and CSS.

See more projects

#Contact me

I'm an observer, analyst, active, respectful, I maintain good communication with others, committed to the achievement of the objectives that are established.

- Luis Manuel Rincon Tejeda

- 22 years old

- Dominican Republic

- Software Development

Technologist (ITLA)